Frequently Asked Questions
Our years of experience in termite treatments and inspections have allowed us to accumulate an extensive knowledge of termites and other wood damaging insects. At the link below you will find the most common asked questions we receive. Click on the button below, we’re sure it’ll help you!
Scope of Service
The Scope of Service form is to be considered an integral part of our entire inspection and report for the above stated property. All parties with interest in the inspection and report conducted for this property should completely familiarize themselves with the content of this document.
Critical Pest Assessment
Help your buyers be prepared with a Full Critical Pest Assessment from Preventive Pest Control. Our team consists of specialized wood insect inspectors who will provide you a detailed assessment and report that includes remediation recommendations to help your client make a more informed buying decision.
View our Critical Pest Assessment Form
NMPA Instructions for Completing NMPA-33
Form NPMA-33 MUST be used by wood destroying insect (WDI) inspectors to report theresults of WDI inspections for any HUD/VA guaranteed property transactions. The document below will guide you through the recommended process and will help you complete this vital form.
Every inspection that qualifies receives a 1 year inspection warranty.